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Neighborhood Falmouth Harassment Policy



The purpose of this policy is to provide employees, volunteers and members of Neighborhood Falmouth (NF) an environment that is free of harassment and to ensure that Neighborhood Falmouth adheres to state and federal laws regarding any type of harassment, including sexual harassment.



NF policy is to maintain a workplace and organizational environment that is free of harassment so that employees, volunteers and members feel safe and comfortable. All reporting of harassing conduct will remain confidential.


Harassment is defined as a course of conduct which annoys, bullies, insults, embarrasses, threatens, intimidates, alarms, or puts a person in fear for their safety. Here are some instances that are considered harassment:

  • Engaging in unwanted advances of any nature

  • Commenting derogatorily or telling offensive jokes about a person’s ethnic heritage,

    religious beliefs or disabilities

  • Starting or spreading rumors about a person’s private life

  • Ridiculing someone

  • Intentionally sabotaging someone’s work

  • Demanding someone perform a task unrelated to their job or volunteer assignment

    against their will

  • Discussing sexual activities

  • Engaging in hostile physical conduct.



This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, members, contractors, public visitors, vendors and anyone else that our organization encounters in the course of work, volunteer or member activities. It includes the NF office, volunteer automobiles, member homes and public establishments where employees, members and volunteers interact.



If you believe you have experienced or witnessed harassment no matter how minor it may seem, you should take any or all of the following action as soon as possible.


  1. Speak to the Offender. If you suspect that an offender doesn’t realize they are guilty of harassment, you could talk to them directly in an effort to resolve the issue. This may be appropriate for a minor case of harassment such as an inappropriate joke or comment and if you feel comfortable addressing the issue with the offender.

  2. Keep records. Keep a written record of each event including the date and the personnel involved.

  3. Speak to a trusted colleague. Discuss the event or events in detail with someone you trust to establish another record of the occurrence and to possibly gain perspective.

  4. Report to the Executive Director. The Executive Director will assess and deal with the situation or if appropriate, refer it to the Board of Directors.

  5. Speak to a Director (member of the Board of Directors). This is appropriate

    • for a serious case of harassment (such as one or more sexual advances)

    • if the offender is a manager

    • for any case of harassment where you are not comfortable bringing it to the

      offender or to the Executive Director.



All complaints or claims of any type of harassment made to NF will be taken seriously and will be investigated. Disciplinary actions for harassment depend on the severity of the offense and may include counseling, reprimands, warnings, suspensions or termination of employment, membership or volunteer activities.


I have read the NF Harassment Policy and have been given the opportunity to ask questions.



Director/Employee Name (printed):



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