Neighborhood Falmouth is part of a robust national Village movement created to help older individuals stay safely in their own homes by providing nonmedical help and services. Studies show that older adults who are members of villages such as Neighborhood Falmouth are generally happier and healthier.
Utilizing a corps of friendly and energetic volunteers, Neighborhood Falmouth can drive you to medical and personal appointments, take you grocery shopping or shop on your behalf, put your trash out each week, stop by for a visit, and much more. For your protection, volunteers are interviewed in person and must pass a Massachusetts CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) background check.
Becoming a Member
Due to demand for our services, Neighborhood Falmouth currently has a wait list of 9-12 months and interested invidivuals are encouraged to join the wait list as soon as possible by calling the office at 508-927-1678. There is no fee and no application for the wait list.
Falmouth residents age 50 or older who pay a membership fee can join the organization and receive services. Once you reach the top of the wait list, you will be contacted. All prospective members are interviewed in person at their homes prior to beginning membership with Neighborhood Falmouth. After you contact us, we will to set up a meeting between you and our Executive Director Candice Geers. Candice will meet with you in your home to gain a thorough understanding of your individual needs and how best Neighborhood Falmouth can serve you, and she will explain the simple process for requesting our services.
Membership Fees
Fees are kept minimal by fundraising and grants that cover most of the cost of running the organization. Individual fees are $600 annually (or $300 per six months).
No one is turned away for lack of ability to pay. Currently about 20% of Neighborhood Falmouth members receive partial to full scholarship assistance through our Membership Assistance Fund, which is supported by donations and grants.
Member Services
As we age, simple necessities can make staying in our homes a challenge over the long term. Neighborhood Falmouth can help you with some of those challenges, for example:
Our volunteers provide transportation to medical and other personal appointments, the grocery store, community events, and social activities.
Social Activities
Neighborhood Falmouth Volunteers can be scheduled to do simple fall and spring yard cleanups, fill bird feeders, change light bulbs, move outdoor furniture, salt walkways, and more.
Technology Assistance
We can help with electronics such as computers, cell phones, tablets, wearable technology like fitness trackers, remote controls, thermostats, and more.
Running Errands
Our volunteers can help members with shopping for groceries or household items, picking up dry-cleaning or prescriptions, dropping off library books, package pickup or shipping, and more.
Social Visits & Calls
Volunteers can accompany members for walks or in-person visits, or make daily or weekly phone calls, providing social connection and peace of mind.
Light Home Maintenance
We can help with trash and recycling pickups, change smoke detector batteries, take window screens in and out, help with AC window units, check dryer vents, and help with organizing or cleaning cabinets, refrigerators, or closets.